Welcome to Dolce and Tails, your free online source for quick articles on health, safety, and issues concerning dogs, cats, and animals in shelters.
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A Rescued Feral Cat Twinzy!
Dolce and Tails Disclaimer: The content and blog on this Website are for general information and based on our own opinions unless otherwise noted. And it does not intend to replace the advice of your veterinarian or doctor. It does not constitute professional advice, legal advice, medical advice, or any other form of professional counseling.
This blog is intended to share our experiences, opinions, and research. We strongly encourage you to research, see a professional counselor, or consult your veterinarian. Your ability to make informed decisions is crucial.
While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or reliability. Use the information provided on this Website at your own risk.
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